Sports activities rescue lives, taking this into account, we created our sports center. In soccer classes students are trained for life through sport. Among the skills trained are teamwork, physical conditioning, discipline, self-control, agility, logical reasoning and a spirit of healthy competitiveness. We are next to the neighborhood of player Gabriel de Jesus, Jd. Peri, and we have a mission to find several other "Gabries" in our institute.
Students: 100 students
Periods: Morning and afternoon
Duration: 3 hours of activities
Day of the week: Saturday
Sports activities rescue lives, taking this into account, we created our sports center. In basketball classes students are trained to have emotional control, agility, discipline and logical reasoning. In addition to practicing social inclusion, they also encourage physical conditioning and teamwork.
Students: 100 students
Periods: Morning and afternoon
Duration: 3 hours of activities
Day of the week: Saturday

Among sports fights, Jiu-Jitsu stands out not only for its physical benefits, such as motor development and well-being, but as a form of personal growth, through its ancient philosophy that transmits values such as persistence, discipline, self-confidence and respect, among others.
Students: 100 students
Periods: Morning and afternoon
Duration: 3 hours of activities
Day of the week: Saturday